KERVAN BESİN SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.( Bölünme Süreçlerine Ait Bildirim )
Özet Bilgi Decision of Board on Partial Facilitated Demerger Through Associate Model
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İdare Heyeti Karar Tarihi 05.10.2023
Bölünme Prosedürü İştirak Modeliyle Kısmi Bölünme
Bölünme Nedeniyle Yeni Kurulacak Ortaklığın/Ortaklıkların Unvanı Mavi Yıldız Makine Besin Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Bölünme Nedeniyle Yeni Kurulacak Paydaşlığın Faaliyet Konusu Purchasing and selling of machinery/equipment, real estates and other assets
Para Ünitesi TRY
Bölünmeye Temel Mali Tablo Tarihi 30.06.2023
Mevcut Sermaye (TL) 240.000.000
Ulaşılacak Sermaye (TL) 240.000.000
Hisse Küme Bilgileri Mevcut Sermaye (TL) Hisse Değişim Oranı Bölünme Nedeniyle Azaltılacak Sermaye Meblağı (TL) Bölünme Nedeniyle Azaltılacak Sermaye (%) Bölünme Nedeniyle İç Kaynaklardan Bedelsiz Hisse Alma Meblağı (TL) Bölünme Nedeniyle İç Kaynaklardan Bedelsiz Hisse Alma Oranı (%) Verilecek Menkul Değer ISIN Bölünme Nedeniyle Verilecek Menkul Değer Miktarı
A KÜMESİ Kümesi, Süreç Görmüyor, TREKRVG00021 173.760.000 0 0 0 0 0 0
B KÜMESİ Kümesi, KRVGD, TREKRVG00013 66.240.000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ek Açıklamalar
1- Transfer the jelly production facility on 2 parcels in Yakuplu Mahallesi, Beysan Sanayi Sitesi, Fuar Caddesi, No:9/1, Beylikdüzü, İstanbul to the company called Mavi Yıldız Makine Besin Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi as a 100% subsidiary, using the “partial facilitated demerger through associate model” method that regulated in the Article 17 of the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué on Mergers and Demergers (II-23.2) and within the framework of Articles 19 and 20 of the Corporate Tax Law, Articles 159 and subsequent articles of the Turkish Commercial Code, with the provisions of the Regulation on Banks’ Merger, Transfer, Demerger and Changes of Shares, the Capital Markets Law, the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué on Mergers and Demergers (II-23.2) and other relevant legislation,
2- Invest the divided production facility as capital in Mavi Yıldız Makine Besin Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi and keep the invested value under the Group’s assets,
3- Carry out partial demerger transaction, based on the financial statements dated 30 June 2023,
4- Have the values of the divided production facility determined by a Certified Public Accountant,
5- Not to obtain an independent audit report and opinion of an expert institution as the transaction will be executed via facilitated procedure,
6- Not to make any capital reduction as the assets will be under our Group companies,
7- Prepare Announcement Text, Demerger Agreement, Demerger Report, Notice of the Right to Review and all the other required documents and carry out all meşru procedures,
8- Carry out all applications to and transactions with all public and private bodies including but not limited to Ministry of Trade, Capital Markets Board of Turkey, and Register of Commerce.
Kindly announced to the public.